Travel light: Packing tips for a hiking trip
Only bring the essentials -- Jim Feldkamp Hiking enthusiasts can attest that when exploring new trails, injuries can happen. And one of the reasons for injuries is how heavy the belongings hikers carry during their trip. Many hikers tend to overpack and end up with a sore back. When going for a hike, it is important to travel light to avoid any injuries or other problems along the way. Below are some tips that can cost hikers less pain and weight on their next hiking trip. Image source: Image source: 1. Think lightweight -- Jim Feldkamp When it comes to backpack, tent, jacket, clothes, and even toiletries, going lightweight is the key. These days, many brands offer lighter alternatives to the usually bulky equipment hikers bring. But before buying anything that's marketed as "lightweight" or "ultralight," be sure to check the material. Check the quality of fabrics and metals to ensure that the stuff won'...