Taking photos of rare and elusive birds of prey.

Any nature photographer who knows what they’re doing will tell you that one of the hardest images to capture is that of a bird of prey. Birds of prey are fast, and they’re quite elusive. Many shots of birds of prey are taken through extraordinary patience and skill and a substantial amount of luck. But these are the images that make it to big-time publications.

Here are a few ways to finally land that much-coveted bird of prey photo.


Birds of prey aren’t around all day. As I mentioned, they’re quite elusive. The good thing is though, they very territorial and can appear multiple times in certain places. Once you know their eating habits and what time they go out to look for food, it will be easier to set up a shot. Being at the right place at the right time is what being a photographer is all about.


Once you’ve done your research and know where you have to be, it will be all about setting up your equipment. Since these are birds, take along gear needed for long-distance photography. Set the shutter speed of your camera to high since these creatures move at blinding speed. All it takes is two seconds for them to swoop by.

Hi! I’m Jim Feldkamp. I love hiking and photography. Learn more about me and the stuff I love here.


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