Essential equipment photographers should have on a nature shoot

You may already have your cameras and lenses packed for your next nature shoot, however, there are still some essential accessories that you might have overlooked. Here are some of them.

Remote trigger

A lot of photographers underestimate the importance of a remote trigger. Even with a tripod, cameras may experience the smallest vibrations that might ruin a shot, especially when you press down on the shutter. Many cameras now come with their own remote triggers and shutter releases. If those aren’t enough, you can also purchase an extra one.

Lens filters

Lens filters help photographers cope with the ever-changing lighting of the outdoors. Whether it’s the
flapping leaves above or the unpredictable rain, lens filters can help bring out the best photos. Polarizers, and UV and ND filters are great investments.


It may be a bit of a hassle to carry but a reliable tripod can save you tons of film or bytes on a nature shoot. Remember that the great outdoors is seldom flat, and most of the time, the wind makes for an unsteady hand. Bring a sturdy tripod, one that can hold cameras in place even if the winds are strong to keep the camera from vibrating.

Extra batteries, film, or memory cards may also be handy. Don’t forget to load up these backup items.

Hello! Jim Feldkamp’s the name. As a nature photographer, I love hiking a lot. For more about the stuff I love, check out this page.


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